Tandem's statement in support of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.


As an organisation that supports initiatives to improve mental health and wellbeing – and one that strongly advocates for listening to the voices of lived experience – Tandem is supporting voting Yes in the upcoming referendum to establish an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Thanks to the legacies of colonisation, our First Australians continue to experience marginalisation and disadvantage. Ongoing racism, discrimination and trauma contribute to significantly lower levels of social and emotional wellbeing and higher rates of suicide compared to most other Australians.

Tandem supports greater self-determination for First Nations Australians, including through establishing an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

“First Nations voices need to be heard on issues that affect them,” says Tandem CEO, Marie Piu.

“We will support and elevate the voices of our First Nations partners in their efforts to make this change happen.” 

It's time for all Australians to listen and act. Do your part by voting YES for the Voice.