Tandem supports and promotes the employment of people with lived experience as family, carers and supporters of people with mental health challenges into Victorian mental health services.

If you are currently working in a carer lived experience role, join the CLEW network for free to enjoy being part of a safe and connected community and to benefit from workforce development, education and training and leadership opportunities.


About the carer lived experience workforce


People with lived experience as a family member or carer of someone with mental health challenges work in a range of roles in publicly funded mental health services, such as public hospitals and or community sector organisations.

Carer lived experience workers are employed to use the knowledge and experiences gained from their own lived experience to benefit other families, carers and supporters.

They can work in a range of roles, including peer work, system advocacy, consultancy, education and training, and research.


“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's survival guide”. - Brene Brown.


Would you like to use your lived experience to benefit other families, carers and supporters and improve our mental health and wellbeing system? Explore Carer Lived Experience Workforce careers opportunities being advertised via Seek.


The Carer Lived Experience Workforce (CLEW) network


The CLEW network is a safe space for members of the designated, employed, family/carer lived experience workforce to come together over workforce matters, advocacy, support and growth. It is working towards becoming a professional body. It supports opportunities for member networking, a Community of Practice, sharing of best practice, group co-reflection/supervision, and professional and leadership development.

The CLEW network also acts as a centralised network for family/carer workforce sector engagement & participation and provides access to ongoing opportunities in co-design & co-production.

Membership is free.


What are the benefits of joining the CLEW network?


  • Be part of a safe and connected Community of Practice with access through the Basecamp platform supported by our partnership with CMHL
  • Enjoy networking & connection opportunities (including to your specialised area of work)
  • Opportunities for innovation and to share best practice
  • State-wide advocacy on all matters relating to the CLEW
  • Bi-monthly CLEW network meetings 
  • Bi-monthly Family/Carer Perspective Co-reflection 
  • Be the first to hear about CLEW employment and leadership opportunities
  • Engagement, participation and updates from our partners


If you are interested in joining the CLEW network please click here


Contact us


Contact the CLEW network through Tandem for advice about the CLEW or for engagement or collaboration opportunities.

  • Membership enquiries
  • CLEW workforce engagement and collaboration 
  • CLEW advertised event registration
  • CLEW advertised participation opportunities
  • CLEW advertised supervision training
  • CLEW dedicated guides / frameworks and information
  • CLEW promotion requests
  • Carer Consultant Community of Practice and CLEW workforce group co-reflection

Phone: 03 8803 5555

Email: [email protected]


Wurundjeri Country
70 Trenerry Crescent
Abbotsford Victoria 3067


Contact the CLEW network through the Centre for Mental Health Learning for:

  • Onboarding to the CLEW Network Basecamp
  • CLEW Network Basecamp enquiries
  • CLEW Network online meeting invites
  • CLEW Network meeting papers
  • General workforce training
  • To find a CLEW supervisor
  • Mental Health workforce information
  • Mental Health Workforce Community of Practice 

Email: [email protected]